
The Port Road

The Port Road. This website is dedicated to The Port Road which is the collective name for the "Portpatrick Railway", "Wigtownshire Railway" and "Castle Douglas and Dumfries Railway". The Portpatrick and Wigtonshire railways were amalgamated in 1885 and in combination with Castle Douglas to Dumfries became known as "The Port Road".

At time of writing 27th April 2015 this is still the beginning of a long term project to learn and understand the history of The Port Road, for now you will see a series of expanding photographic galleries in the menu structure as I visit and photograph specific sites on the line and its branch lines. In addition to study on "The Port Road" you can also now find some Galleries on the still active West Highland Line which will be updated from time to time

This page and many others will be updated and evolve over time but I hope to turn it into a general reference point for for those interested in studying a once vibrant enterprise which was both about life and crucially "full of life"

For now the inspiration for the project comes from the following link, namely a film shot by enthusiasts in the closing days of the Port Road in 1965. It shows many landmarks which can still be seen today, you can view the video via the NLS Library website by clicking this link

Read also about The Railway That Went The Wrong Way from Alistair Livingston







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b2223 Titfield Thunderbolt 1953



Dumfries To Castle Douglas Section

The Castle Douglas and Dumfries Railway was a railway in south west Scotland which linked Castle Douglas to Dumfries.

It opened in 1859. Other companies' lines extended westwards and southwards, and the CD&D line formed a key link in opening up the agricultural area of south-west Scotland. When Stranraer and Portpatrick were reached by the contiguous lines, the CD&D line was the eastern section of the Port Road, which provided an important route from English originating points to the north of Ireland by ferry between Portpatrick and Donaghadee. 

The CD&DR was absorbed by the larger Glasgow and South Western Railway in 1865.

The line closed in 1965 except for a stub from Dumfries to Maxwelltown Oil Terminal, which continued until 1994, although it was dormant in the latter years. Nothing now remains of the rail activity on the line

Please Click the Pictures to view the specific articles on features of the Dumfries to Castle Douglas Line

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Dalbeattie Station                                            Castle Douglas Station                              Lochanhead station                             

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 Kirkgunzeon Station                                      Killywhan Station                                         Maxwelltown Station


Goldilea Viaduct